Townsville Ministry Centre

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Townsville Ministry Centre

It has been exciting to have a section of the Church of Christ Q’ld Campus on Ronan Street, Vincent, Townsville made available for the development of a Ministry Centre in Townsville.

T’ville has a large and growing Indigenous population. The city draws people to Medical Services, Education, University, employment, Defence Base, Correctional Centre, accommodation and support services to the vast area of Far Nth Q’ld and the N.T. A Christian ministry and support to the short and long term remote area and resident Indigenous people is needed.

A Torres Strait Island Fellowship Group uses the newly created Meeting Area for their meetings. Others groups have enquired. We thank George Radford (Mareeba) and his work team for this transformation.

A local Aboriginal Cultural Mentor, Elder Alfred Smallwood uses a section of the building and the private Barbeque outdoor area for the ‘Uncle Alfred’s Men’s Group on week days. Counselling, support, and ‘a place to go’ is bringing changes for guys who are struggling with life issues.