“Pray for us. Pray first that the Lord’s message will spread rapidly & triumph wherever it goes winning converts everywhere.” 2 Thessalonians 3.1

Mark Naden and Alexandra (nee O’Chin) were nurtured by devoted Aboriginal Christian Parents. The Naden family in Balladoran / Dubbo NSW, and the O’Chin family in Cherbourg Q’ld and later Brisbane Q’ld were deeply committed Christians. Both families were actively involved in ministry to their own people.

Following study at the Aboriginal Bible College in Bimbadeen NSW, Mark and Alex ministered with the A.E.F. at La Perouse, Sydney before coming to Logan Aboriginal Community Centre in Q’ld.

After 5 years at Logan they were burdened for an area in NSW that did not have a Christian ministry to the Aboriginal people. In 2002 they relocated to Toukley NSW. In the early days the Gorokan Assembly made their building available. Later the Aboriginal Lands Council allowed the use of their facilities for the ministry programme.

Locating a home, obtaining work, and getting to find and know people in a large, new, city region has been tough going. But the Naden family have committed to the task and the “Wyong Christian Koori Fellowship” has been established. (Koori means NSW Aborigines). Mark has been excited to receive grants from the local Council to assist the programmes with the youth.

The Naden family (4 girls) has grown with the addition of a son-in-law, granddaughter and several foster children who are being lovingly nurtured.

Pray for Mark & Alex as they share Jesus. Pray that others will find the joy of new Life in Jesus.