“Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples … And teach them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19-20
Stan grew up in rural regions on the Darling Downs, Queensland. He was baptised at Margaret St Church of Christ in Toowoomba.
In 1986 Stan flew his plane to the Torres Straits region. He returned in 1988, this time in his boat, and spent 2 years sailing around the islands getting to know, and be known by, the people.
In the early days he set up Christian video stands and limited stocks of Bibles and resources that could be transported on the boat. The Video Library Ministry began by Stan placing a rotating selection of videos on some Islands in the care of local Christian Islanders. In 1994 Stan became an associate worker with AICF.
After starting the ‘Sower’ Christian Bookshop on T.I. in 1995, sadly he had to say goodbye to his boat 1996 because of its poor state of disrepair.
Today Stan runs a Christian Bookshop based on Thursday Island.